Storm rages, a tempest known
Regular waves hit home.
Never a miss, never a respite.
Crash down, you breakers of black delight!
Delight, you say? How can tranquil
Waters churned by anger, venom, hate
Be delightful to you, daughters?
Familiar blood floods familiar veins
Better the devil you know.
Truth unleashed cleanses deep
and scoops out smooth crevasses.
Eroding years have passed her by
Untouched by soft or gentle words.
Splintering age shatters down through all
Annihilating love and spitting gall.
We are family pulverised and wan
We are gone, storms rage on.
Susan Shooter 2015

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'Is there a vaccuum of theological diagnosis in church responses to sexual abuse?'

in CITYtheology

Winter 2022/32

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